About Us

The Covenant Truth website content has been produced by our Christian home fellowship. Our members have come originally from traditional denominational backgrounds - Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Baptist, Catholic and Church of England.

Our Commission

In response to Christ's commission to all of us to minister His truth and love to one another, we share with you, studies produced by our fellowship members, covering many topics, as well as books that we have published. We also believe that we were given a specific commission to warn the Church of her apostasies and impending judgement. This is reflected in the studies and books we have produced.

Of late, the focus of our commission has undergone a change, as we have received an anointing and direction to unveil biblical prophecy, reminding us of the resumption of the ministry of the Two Witnesses. We see in this a gradual stirring of restoration in the Church, one that we wish to encourage and promote.

The Practice of Our Home Fellowship

The only division in the early Church was on the grounds of locality, as in the church at Jerusalem, the church at Antioch, the church at Corinth and so forth. There were few official church buildings, and fellowships often met and worshipped in homes. For instance, "Greet Priscilla and Aquila... Likewise greet the church that is in their house." Rom 16:3-5. We therefore consider ourselves to be an open home fellowship being part of the body of Christ in our local area.

Fellowship meetings circulate between all homes, and ministry is shared by members. We meet together to share in musical praise and worship, communion, individual contributions of bible readings, revelations, and testimonies. There is a prayer time, and a study period led by those with a teaching or an emerging teaching ministry.

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